The Boss3 test is a test designed to test a hero for the effective number of hits he or she generates in conditions of maximum speedup. This is typical of boss fights of various sorts, where you use a Pumpkin Duke to speed up everyone to maximum speed.
The test uses a PD and one hero to be tested. The PD has the same configuration every time. This team faces Boss3, which you can do once per day. The total damage they do can be compared to that of heroes that have already been tested to compare the tested heroes. We can also (with some assumptions) use it to estimate heroes' hits/second.
Here are the heroes I am using for the test, along with their configurations.
Pumpkin Duke: 200ee. Skill 10/10. Berserk 8. Revite 4 crests. Blitz Scroll. Angi.
The PD is configured to speed up the "ramp up" period to a minimum. This makes it easier to compute with than a slower ramp-up. Angi is there to keep PD alive. Boss3 does not do huge DPS, but it's plenty to kill your PD in 3 minutes unless there is a bit of healing.
Hero to be tested: any level, any talent other than "extra hit" talents (slowdown, heavy blow, deadly strike). Scatter 4 crests. Artifact (if any) does not matter. Don't assign a damaging pet. (So, can have Angi, Yule, Doom Balloon, Bubblow; all the others do damage.)
The to-be-tested hero is configured mainly to prevent the boss from proccing. This is done via the "last hero scatter trick". Scatter is applied after energy is raised by hits, and truncation to 100 energy max happens after each hero goes. Thus, if the final hero hitting a boss has scatter 4+, that boss will always end up below 100 energy and can thus never proc.
It should be obvious, but if the to-be-tested hero has an "extra blows" talent, you can still test, you just need to account for that. Also, if the to-be-tested hero has scatter, then you can use whatever crests you want.
Drop both heroes right on the boss and immediately hit Invigorate. Drop PD first, so that the boss aggros on him (which speeds the ramp-up), and also so that the hero being tested is the last hero dropped, meaning the boss cannot proc (due to scatter) once you hit max speed. Also dropping PD first means he tanks, which means that you can test very low-hitpoint heroes. Just be sure that their damage per hit is maximum once PD is spooled up.
Take a snapshot of the final screen, showing total damage done. Also take a snapshot during battle, so you record which heroes are being tested. (On my phone, and probably yours, snaps are stored by date; so these two will be next to each other. This helps you remember later which hero was being tested that got the total damage.)
If the damage done is 120m, then the battle will end early and you need to carefully note the seconds left. This requires watching the battle like a hawk. (This should not happen except for extremely damaging heroes.) It also requires careful computation afterward.
Tests I have done:
Here's a rundown of the Boss3 tests I've done:
- Phantom King and Heartbreaker -- showed that PK and HB have the same number of hits,
- Medusa -- showed that her snakes do in effect get two auto hits. Also, strangely, shows that snake hits either don't add energy or they hit early enough so that her scatter makes the boss not proc.
- Harpy Queen -- done to have a baseline to work with for TT. TT needs special handling due to her pumpkies being summoned, and thus nullifying the "last hero scatter" trick.
- Trixie Treat -- same post as HQ, since I did HQ to do TT.
- HQ again with Deadly Strike -- done to test how deadly strike works. Concluded it works via extra hits, just like Slowdown and Heavy Blow.
- Vlad -- done to test his proc. It gets more hits than was previously believed.
- Immortep -- gets more proc hits than was previously thought. Unclear why.
- Beast Tamer -- confirmed he works as predicted.
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