Thursday, December 15, 2016

Might Pump Complete

Aaaand... it's done.
120000 might.
I had some spare time yesterday so I spent it raiding for mana.  I got all my Ninjas to 120 and 80 inscription, and I was about 1500 might short... so leveled and inscribed a spare Snowy I've had since way back when.  Here's the might section of my altar now:
Ninja dojo.
This morning, I got my first "do insane dungeon" quest item.
Do insane dungeon quest.
Nice reward.
That's a team dungeon card.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Might Pumping Progress

Starting a week ago, I started pumping up my might.  My goal is clear: get to 120000 might as fast as I can, subject to my finite playtime and general dislike of cluttering my altar.  I thought I'd update on how that is going.

Here's a shot of the relevant portion of my altar:
Mighty ninjas.
Last week I instantiated the seven Ninja dupes I had sitting around.  During the week, I took all the dupes to 100, as you can see in my altar above.  This costs 618850 experience, which I used experience books for.  It allows inscription to level 60, which I did in five days.  Once I was done with all level 100/inscription 60, I have started moving guys up to 120/80.  This is slower.  It requires 1860000 more experience, for one thing: about 3x as much.  Also, inscription 60 takes 8,946,000 mana total.  Inscription 80 takes 21,400,000, so a difference of 12,454,000.  Even doing three quests per day, as I do, this is probably more mana than I pull in.

I realize I could do extra raids to gather unlimited mana.  I'm just not willing to sink that much time into the game.  

In addition to the Ninjas, I knew I was going to need a few more heroes.  I figured I would do them only after getting the Ninjas to 120/80.  I thought I would use Druid(s), but then I used a LHC last week:

It's a sign.
You can see him in the altar.  (The Lady Leo I already had.  She is supposed to be a decent hero, powered but not overpowered.  So, she's sitting there waiting for me to have excess experience and/or a dupe to level her up.)  I pumped up Orksbane too.  I don't know that I will ever use him, but I am not sure of the opposite either.  His skill seems decent enough, and being stun-proof might have niche application.  In any case, he's ready to go now if I ever do need him.  And he adds might.

Currently I am sitting at 116000 might.  So, I have managed to add roughly 11000 might in a week.  As I computed last week, the lower levels (0-100) add might faster than the higher (100-120).  I need another 4000 might.  I expect it will probably take about another week.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Lava3 Success!

My guild has been working up to Lava3 for a while.  Some of the early planning I posted here. 
Lava in progress.

We did our first runs this week, resulting in success for the guild, but not me personally.  In two runs I had some bad crests on, so my own stupid fault.  But in the other two tries... dunno.  I think was just unlucky.  In any case, I booked my Treantaur a level boost, and kept trying.  Last night...
Lava loot!

Nice treasure.  For the evening I was 2 for 6, and before that, 0 for 2 (excluding the two with the wrong crests).  2 for ~8; it might be better to stick with mesa4.  Of course, I won't do any such thing.  I'll be pouring all experience into my Lava team.   Maybe better skills?  Better crests?  It's really hard to draw any conclusions since the key part happens so fast.  I can tell you, though, that the Vlad in the starting location really hits hard.  I can see why maybe Arctica would help: she'd freeze him.

Speaking of experience, I finished Medusa for now:
Stick a fork in her.

She is evo1, so there's more work to do, but I have no dupes for her.  I have enough shards that I can afford one evo2 without dupes, but if I were to do that it would be DD.  And I don't even feel it's worth it for him.  Medusa will stay as she is indefinitely.  She'll get the next talent pretty much no matter what it is.  In fact I rolled a Scatter 3 last night and gave it to a Ninja without thinking.  Oh well.

I am now training up my Phantom King, for the Lava team.
PK moving up
Here's a Lava heartbreaker.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pumping Might

I rolled a level 5 talent with a talent reroll quest last night.  What was it?  Bulwark?  No, scorch.  Scorch?  Basically useless.  Only good for increasing might.  I looked around for a scrub to put it on to boost might, and I didn't really find one I wanted.  My blue/green heroes I want to put Enlightenment on, so that it's cheaper to level them later on when I want to increase my garrison quality.  I already have level 3 talents or higher on my three legendary scrubs.  (These date from before I figured out to how to turn all hero rolls into cards.)

So, I finally decided to pull the trigger on pumping up my might.

Everyone says you should do it: pump up your might using spare heroes in your altar.  I've always resisted it for several reasons, laziness not the least.  But now I am up over 100000 might -- 105000 actually.  So I am in striking range of 120000 might.  There's a nice quest board item (do insane dungeons) at 120000 might, so it seems like it's worthwhile going for it.

The best heroes to pump might with are those heroes where you'll eventually want high level dupes that you use in different game modes.  But I don't have any such.  I suppose if I rolled a series of Revite 5 talents, eventually I'd run out of better places to put one, and maybe make a PD dupe.  But I'd rate Aries, Medusa, Treantaur, and Atlanticore higher.  Probably also Candy Kane.  So: not gonna happen.

I have seven Ninja cards, and Ninja, being fast, is the best choice for pumping might among heroes that you'll never use.  So my plan is to roll out Ninjas and level them, and inscribe them.  Taking them to 6 star 100 allows inscription to level 60; this gives 618 might for the hero (plus 20 per talent level > 1) and another 471 for the inscription.  The cost is 664,300 experience and 64,000 HB.  That's a bit painful, but right now I have over 500000 HB with plans to use only a modest number in the near future.  (My Medusa still needs 82m experience to hit 200e.)
Benchwarmer with nice talent.
 Going to 7 star 120 allows inscription to level 80, and adds 100 might for the hero and another 405 for the inscription.  The cost is 50000 more HB.  The total might per Ninja will thus be around 1500.  Seven of them, just over 10000 might.

I figure by that time, I may have gained the remaining 5000 in other ways.  Or I'll create some scrub Druids; I certainly have plenty of them.
Waterboy, hold this for a sec will ya?
One good thing about having lots of inscribed scrubs on staff is that I can use them hold spare crest sets.

Monday, December 5, 2016

More Medusa and Stupid Fortress Fued

I've been pouring the experience into Medusa.  60% bonus is great.  Friday, I got her to 200:
She's tired of the green look.
And evolved.  Foolishly took her up to 120 with books before remembering that she has Enlightment.  Duh!  Gave a bunch of books to Aries and Warlock, both now at 195e.

Fortress Feud happened over the weekend.  I barely did a thing.  Missed the first 20 minutes due to cluelessness.  In the second 20, got my team killed first battle by a maxxed out team.  In the third 20, got my team suspended in amber.  Not literally.  Went to a battle site next to an enemy corner, and another guy on my team got there first with a nearly max team, and won battle after battle.  But the enemy just kept sending teams: small, medium.  Sometimes as little as one executioner.  The last 15 minutes of the game were just that.  The battle stopped twice for a few seconds, but never long enough for me to get out and order my team to back up.  So, I sat there watching hopeless attack after hopeless attack, and then it ended.

FF is a pretty stupid game mode.

The treasure is good though.  This time, I got extra lucky and got a Lv 5 Talent Chest:
Thanks, Acadian Clashers.
Rolled the talent.  What might it contain?  Bulwark 5 for my DD?  Revite 5 for my Aries?  Corrode 5 for my DK?

Berserk 5 for my, uh... already have Berserk 8 on my PD.  Bleck.  My Druid still has War God 3 since a year and a half.  Guess he gets it.
800 ms attack now.

Got Medusa through 180e.
Gentlemen prefer blondes.
Should be a few more days to get her to 200e.  Then she stops (I'm not paying 60000 shards to devo, or if I do, DD gets them).  I don't have a real obvious next candidate for experience.  Maybe I'll get lucky and roll a SK or GF or Ghoulem before then.  If not, I'll evo DK and then we'll see.