Monday, April 24, 2017

Where next?

I have come to a decision point in CC.  (Here's my latest progress post.)  I have finished Heartbreaker experience-wise; she's now at 200ee.  She still needs a good talent, but experience-wise she's done.  Meanwhile, I have built up a sizeable reserve of experience books.  So, I can bring up quite a few heroes quite a bit quite quickly.

My shard reserve is about 100000 right now.  My fame is 25000.  Herowise, I have 9 useful devoes (I also devoed Succubus for books), and another 12 useful evos.

I need to make a decision as to where to focus resources.  As I see it, there are basically three alternatives.

First, I can continue pumping resources into my LBF team.  I score above 900 most seasons but have never broken 1000.  I am hoping that with HB and some other recent additions, I will be able to do that.  My team is currently limited by the lack of a Revite 5 Aries; on the last few days of a season it is hard to win 2 of 3 when you lose one almost automatically.

The gain from increasing LBF is marginally more fame, about 100 per week perhaps if I can normally break 1000, and an additional 190 gems per week.  Pretty low rewards, but on the other hand it's fame, and the cost of doing this is low.

Second, I can built out my base to do Challenge III in HBM.  This may need Vlad (who I have now and a dupe for, so I can single evo him).  Mainly it needs blue and green heroes.  It's not clear to me whether you might get by without them, so I am assuming I need at least level 4 garrison levels, and perhaps level 5.   Currently I have two blue heroes and one green hero well above that (the useful ones, Ice Demon, Shaman, and Frost Witch).  The other heroes have skill 3 and level 50-60 for garrison 2.  So it will take 62600 shards to get to a full level 4 garrison.  (Here's the wikia on Garrison.)  If I need level 5, it will take a lot more: 117600 shards and 990000 honor badges.

The gain from increasing HBM (assuming I can get through AF, which is by no means certain) is better sweeps.  Currently I sweep T, getting 90 shards and (on average maybe) 900000 experience per sweep.  AF gives 120 shards and perhaps 1.2m per sweep.  The increase in daily income would be 180 shards and 1.8m experience per day.  So, a decent increase in both things, but nothing to write home about.

My remaining option is to attempt again to push to Insane Dungeon 5-10.  I tried this about a month back, and was shut down over many attempts by ID 5-9.  I was close a few times though usually slaughtered with 12%.  It's really hard, and it appears you need a Skull Knight to tank the enemy SK.  Al_fun used a SK and says it takes a lot of tries.  I still have no SK so I can't do what he did.  What I might do is evo my Santa.  I am not really keen on this, since I have but one dupe for SB.  So it requires 40000 shards, and I don't use SB that much.  I can also possibly sub in a different 6th hero.  (I assume PD/Cupid/Druid are required for amp-up, SB for damage, and a tank to, uh, tank.)  One DPS slot is potentially changeable.  Currently using TG for this.  I could try my shiny new HB here, or perhaps some other hero.  PK?  I could also try increasing a few heroes' skills.  All of them are at least at 8, but I might buy a 9 for Druid, or TG.  And I could potentially buy a 10 for DD, Cupid or SB.

So what would it get me?  Currently I sweep ID 4-10 for 88 shards/HB and 113610 EXP.  If I can get to and 3-star ID5-10, that would increase to 96 shards/HB and 138010 EXP.  I use most dungeons per day, and my amount will increase with the new compendium bonus.  Assuming I get to 66 of them, my daily income increases by ~158 shards/HB and 1610400 EXP.

UPDATE: Consulted with reddit, and their assessment is that Vlad is not needed for HBM.  So, decided to go after HBM using level 4 garrisons.  I figure the experience the garrison heroes will get doing the HBM tries will help bring them to 140, so I can go after level 5 garrisons on the cheap.

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