time I wrote, I had started bringing up Valentina, who I had just rolled. She's now at 180e, capped:
Love trumps lack of energy. |
Since I have a new use for honor badges (read on), she'll probably stay where she is a while. I'll put a decent talent on her if I roll one. But possibly she's still have Enlightenment when I get back to her. I have put her into my LBF lineup. I'm very hopeful that I'll break 1000 for the first time with this addition and another...
Ghoulem is now 198ee, having gotten all the experience when Val was blocked on honor badges. I'll take him though 200ee eventually. No real rush on that. It's good to have a place to dump experience when HB are lacking.
The first big news since last time is I rolled this guy, who has eluded me since I started over two years ago:
He's still at level 1, because Val was already past 180 when I rolled him. I have no immediate plans for him. Mid term, I'll get him to 180e and that should be enough for him to help me through HBM III.
Vlad was going to be next on my to-give-experience list after Val, probably Val to 200e since there's no huge hurry on him. But then yesterday there was a "Spend Gems and Win". Rolling time! And I rolled this lovely girl:
Nice hero, crap talent. |
Yowza! My buddy has a Heartbreaker, and from his experience I want her
ASAP in my LBF lineup and perhaps also available for GW. She's definitely A list, right up there with SK, DD, Ghoul, etc. On her own she can (a) keep many enemies from proccing, and (b) heal herself. Not to mention being the most damaging single target hero in the game other than Trixie.
[UPDATE: that last sentence is incorrect. Still, she's as damaging as PK, and that's quite good.] I'll definitely put her in my Challenge a Boss lineups. A bit low on hitpoints, so not really a tank.
I think HB might work well in a brute-force sort of attack in GW. The plan is HB, DD, Ghoulem, Grimfiend going straight into a HtH with enemy heroes, with sniping support from Cupid and Aries. (I'll definitely post about it if it works.)
One other big event since last time. I rolled an A grade talent!
Scatter ninja! |
This was a tough one to place. According to the wisdom of reddit, the placement for Scatter 5 is PK, Grimfiend, and HQ -- other things equal. But I have several scatter 4 sets, so I can crest that on PK and Grim. And I have no Molt, so I want HQ for pushing HBM. I
asked for advice at reddit and got people recommending all three choices. (Sigh.) As always, you can't push responsibility away easily. And then the very next quest board, I got a talent refresh quest. Had to decide. Some of the names I recognize as old timers seemed to go with HQ, and I was leaning that way anyway. So...
HQ is now at scatter 6. I suppose I should just go ahead to 8 since I have more than enough fame, and I will upgrade to scatter 8 anyway eventually. Also I am not going to be double-evoing many heroes for quite a while.
That's a lot of fame. |
One benefit of blogging. It makes you think. I still have 26000 fame left, which is four devos and a bunch of evos as needed.
So, right now I have an embarrassment of riches. I want to pour experience/honor into five different heroes, all of them at least B grade: Ghoul, Val, HB, HQ, Vlad. All of them need at least single evo, and HB should be double evoed ideally. And I have a C-lister -- Revenant -- still waiting also. Not sure if I'll ever get to him.
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