Friday, October 14, 2016

Maxxing Damage on an Archdemon

The last post raised an interesting question: which hero is better against an Archdemon (damage cap: 500000)?  Succubus, or Phantom King?

Succubus procs every 7 hits, getting the full 500000 damage in her proc.  PK procs every hit, with proc damage similar to his normal hit damage.  Thus, the damage multiplier is going to determine the difference.

When PD is at max speed and being hit by the Archdemon, he procs roughly every 1.2 seconds.  He'll proc a little more often, actually, because of energy that Cupid adds.  But let's ignore that.  PD's proc lasts 8 seconds.  So, we'll have a sustained stack of 6 or 7 procs.

Let's assume 6 procs for now.  My PD has max skill, so +55% bonus per proc.  So we compute the net multiplier for PD as 1.55^6, which is 13.86.

(Incidentally, note that the speedup with 6 procs is also 13.86.  This is how we know that all heroes, even Atlanticore, are hitting every 200 ms.)

Druid also amps team damage, though less.  He procs every 1.4 seconds, with procs lasting 5 seconds.  That's 3 or 4 procs.  My Druid has skill level 7, so he gets +29% per proc.  Assuming 3, we get a net multiplier of 1.29^3, which is 2.14.

Finally, Cupid is always active, adding +45%, or 1.45.  He doesn't stack but his cooldown and proc effect are the same.

So, we find a net team multiplier of 43.1.  This means that any hit that is at least 11589 will end up as a maximum hit.  The multiplier can go considerably higher, if both PD and Druid are on the higher number of procs they can do.

Returning to the original question, I find my Succubus hits for 10828.  (She is evo 2.)  So, she is doing near max hits each hit.  Thus her total damage per 1.4 seconds is 40,000,000.

Now we compute PK's damage and compare... but wait just a second!

Succubus does 40m damage?  That makes no sense!  If she gets 40m damage per 1.4 seconds, over a full three minutes she should get 5 billion damage.  And yet the #1 player in the world got about 1.1 billion for his whole team.

Obviously something about the whole calculation above is off.  Way off.

It's obvious in retrospect.  The Archdemon dodges.  You can see it happening in any video of the Archdemon (check youtube).   For the damage reduction implied by the amount I actually scored, he must dodge a lot.  Yet I don't see that in videos... do you?  It's a mystery.

Well, I went to reddit and asked about it.  More than one guy there told me that the dodge rate is fairly low, but in addition there is some sort of stone-skin like damage reduction.  After looking at videos some more, I agree.  The dodging rate you can see is low.  You just don't see a lot of MISS notifications compared to hits.

So, my best guess at this point is that the Archdemon dodges about 10%, with a mysterious damage reduction of about 90% (!).

Returning to the original question... well, let's un-ask that.  We know that practically all hits that we're doing are not in fact capped, and indeed nowhere near capped.  (The only hits that might hit the cap are Deadly Strike hits and (maybe?) critical hits.)  So, amping up damage more is the name of the game.  There are two heroes that can do that: Siren and Beast Tamer.  Beast Tamer adds another whole hero to the lineup, and so is worth roughly +16% just for that.  At low level, somewhat less... call it +10%.  Then on top of that, at skill 7 he adds +22% damage for 9 seconds out of 12.  Siren, also at skill 7, adds +23% damage all the time.  So obviously Beast Tamer is the one to go with.

Hmm.  I already have my Siren at level 120, whereas I still have Beast Tamer as a card because I have never found any use for him.  Ah well... I need the might.
Come out, beasty boy
What's his talent?

Baby Beast Tamer 
Deadly strike!  It's not useless in this application.  I'll put on Slowdown crests once I level him up.


  1. thanks for this post, do you try with succubus? is she good??

    1. Succubus will be good only for very low level players who are not getting to fully PD-amped-up. Most players will do better with heroes that amp up the whole team and/or which apply lots of hits to get amped up.

      Remember that Succubus gets her proc only every 7 hits. Compare to Phantom King: he procs each hit. If he is doing at least 1/7 of 500000 damage per hit, then his damage will exceed hers. That is about 70000 damage per hit, which most players will exceed.


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