I rolled a level 5 talent with a talent reroll quest last night. What was it? Bulwark? No, scorch. Scorch? Basically useless. Only good for increasing might. I looked around for a scrub to put it on to boost might, and I didn't really find one I wanted. My blue/green heroes I want to put Enlightenment on, so that it's cheaper to level them later on when I want to increase my garrison quality. I already have level 3 talents or higher on my three legendary scrubs. (These date from before I figured out to how to turn all hero rolls into cards.)
So, I finally decided to pull the trigger on pumping up my might.
Everyone says you should do it: pump up your might using spare heroes in your altar. I've always resisted it for several reasons, laziness not the least. But now I am up over 100000 might -- 105000 actually. So I am in striking range of 120000 might. There's a nice
quest board item (do insane dungeons) at 120000 might, so it seems like it's worthwhile going for it.
The best heroes to pump might with are those heroes where you'll eventually want high level dupes that you use in different game modes. But I don't have any such. I suppose if I rolled a series of Revite 5 talents, eventually I'd run out of better places to put one, and maybe make a PD dupe. But I'd rate Aries, Medusa, Treantaur, and Atlanticore higher. Probably also Candy Kane. So: not gonna happen.
I have seven Ninja cards, and Ninja, being fast, is the best choice for pumping
might among heroes that you'll never use. So my plan is to roll out Ninjas and level them, and inscribe them. Taking them to 6 star 100 allows inscription to level 60; this gives 618 might for the hero (plus 20 per talent level > 1) and another 471 for the inscription. The cost is 664,300
experience and 64,000 HB. That's a bit painful, but right now I have over 500000 HB with plans to use only a modest number in the near future. (My Medusa still needs 82m experience to hit 200e.)
Benchwarmer with nice talent. |
Going to 7 star 120 allows inscription to level 80, and adds 100 might for the hero and another 405 for the inscription. The cost is 50000 more HB. The total might per Ninja will thus be around 1500. Seven of them, just over 10000 might.
I figure by that time, I may have gained the remaining 5000 in other ways. Or I'll create some scrub Druids; I certainly have plenty of
Waterboy, hold this for a sec will ya? |
One good thing about having lots of inscribed scrubs on staff is that I can use them hold spare crest sets.